Dakota prepares for his XJam Heavyweight Championship match with longtime
friend/foe Matt Burns
Burns cinches
in an early headlock
Dakota responds with a dropkick in the mush
Burns gains the advantage by using the tights to pull Dakota to the corner
Burns looks for protection from his manager, Tommy Knoxville
Burns delivers a dropkick
of his own
Dakota reels
along the ropes
Burns stays on the attack
The former “Rookie Sensation” with his version
of rolling thunder
Dakota fires back and catches Burns with
a stiff forearm
The crowd favorite hits a cross-body off the ropes
Burns grimaces as Dakota works on his arm
Burns tries to escape Dakota’s wristlock and
gets flipped for his efforts
Dakota returns to basics
with an armbar
Knoxville trips Dakota as he rebounds off the ropes
Dakota tries another cross-body – this time off the second rope
Burns lands head-first on a piece of metal exposed
from a broken ring
Dakota covers an unconscious Burns
for the pin
Dakota embraces his
belt over a stunned
The home state hero
shows his excitement
over the victory
XJAM Pro Wrestling - Minot, ND
Commissioner Charlie celebrates with the new champion
Ref Johnny Toso joins
in the fun
Dakota is congratulated
by his fellow Dakotans
An exclusive look at the broken ring